Monday, May 23, 2011

Wk 3 - Think Out Loud Post #2

These are the places that I researched when trying to find places that my research would be most beneficial to their viewers/audience. I felt that these two journals and one conference best fit the area that i wanted to focus on.

The two education journals I reviewed as possible choices to publish my AR presentation/paper seemed to flow along the lines of what I wish to accomplish with my AR project. The first journal is The AACE Journal (AACEJ). This online periodical is devoted to the issues and applications of educational technology to enhance learning and teaching. While my focus is looking at finding ways to enhance learning and teaching through technology, I felt this journal fit well for possible publication.

My second choice is International Society for Technology in Education. I chose this site as it is not only online, but sends out a magazine that goes out to it’s members who are educators and administrators alike. I like the ability to contribute current content fast and efficiently located in a blog form under a title ‘Connect’ for viewers to access immediately. I also liked the idea of the mobile application available for access anytime users may be on the go.

One place I would like to make a presentation would have been our very own Region !0 conference on technology planning entitled, “To Technology and Beyond.”
I thought presenting closer to home and at a smaller setting, the idea of integrating technology in the manner presented in my AR project would be more accepted.

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