Friday, October 22, 2010

WK4 Reading

Study: Interactive technology aids learning

In a two year study, researchers found that when educators added technology to the learning, that is Promethean’s ActivClassroom, Achievement was higher.

Classrooms were taught with the addition of this technology and other classrooms were taught without the technology, all the same lessons of course.

The study was conducted using over 5,000 students and over 120 teachers. Dr. Marzano led the research in finding that learning achievement was higher with the addition of the Promethean system in addition to the traditional lesson.


Will digital content and e-textbooks really save money?

Districts must start to come to a decision whether or not digital content will save them money.
Many believe that the possibility is easy and well within current budgets.

In polls conducted it was found that over 52% thought It might not save money but moving to digital content wouldn't cost too much more and think it's worth the move initially. While, 34% felt that tapping into funding for broadband and decreasing reliance on print materials could save money. Then the remainder simply felt that it was all too expensive and not feasible at all.

After reading the article and seeing first hand where monies are spent and wasted, I think most districts would be able to make a total digital move happen, they would just have to cut cost in areas that they feel they must have in order to say they have certain programs. Also, a true feasibility study with actual classroom teachers should be conducted and personal biases be placed to the side. Too many times programs are not funded or are cut due to one or two people’s personal biases and not for the betterment of the programs affected.

Available software: How much are you actually using?

This article was very interesting in the fact that I tend to ask this several times throughout the year in my own district. There was a cool fact that was mentioned in saying that today, the chances are that we have more software and computing power at our fingertips than all the astronauts put together. But, how much of it do we actually use?

As I stated in the previous article, there are many software and technology packages that our district purchases just to have the latest and the greatest. However, more than half of the teachers don’t even use the software or the technology available.

This is my main concern when looking at whether or not technology and media rich content should be implemented. Will it be used?

History Tools

A new tool just out for the iPad, iPhone and iTouch is one that deals with history. It lists all the famous and infamous people who were born or died on each day of the year, major news events, holidays and celebrations around the world. You can even enter your own events and add to the pages of each day of the year. This program is fully searchable both by words or particular years.
You can even use the program as a diary to save your own events and important dates. Enter family’s birthdays and anniversaries, put in dates of your holidays, travels, and celebrations. The program offers several uses for incorporating history, keeping up with personal items and simply just giving you pertinent topics for conversation. 

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