Saturday, May 14, 2011

Wk 2 Free Post

Some more Copyright questions.

So, after reading and talking about Copyright this past week, I have come up with a new question to pose. As I am sitting at the public library doing my current reading and research, I always pass the section downstairs that has all the media and periodicals. Well, in our library we can check out DVDs, and CDs as well. These CDs and DVDs are of current popular televisions shows, movies and popular music CDs.
My question is, how does this not violate any copyright laws as it is a public library, checking out copyrighted material to people. Also, what is to prevent people from checking out said media and creating copies for themselves?
Just some thoughts about my tax dollar and copyright at work.

1 comment:

  1. Just light purchasing copies of books and sharing them in class, your local public library has purchased these CDs and DVDs with the expectation that you will check them out and use them in the privacy of your own home. The copyright holders got their fee when the copy was purchased. As for making additional copies, that is called piracy and not legal. :-)
