Friday, May 20, 2011

Wk 3 Comment #2 - Hunter Looney

First off let me address this rule. This author could have gotten the same response without using "gd". I believe this author could have changed the wording of this and reached a lot more people with his point. If you have no idea what I am referring to then here it is.

Rule Number 6: "Don't take yourself so 'gd' seriously" by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander in The Art of Possibility.

I know authors can't make everyone happy but cursing in a book is generally not the way to go.

Besides that I like the point of not taking yourself so seriously. I just wish it was worded differently.

Disclaimer: If this post offends someone because I am offended by 'gd' then I am sorry that I could not make everyone happy with this post.
Posted by Hunter at 10:04 PM
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Rowdy319 said...

Haha Hunter, I agree. But, does saying something about it negate practicing Rule No. 6? ;)

Yeah, I do know what you are saying though. Just like in the following chapters, choosing the right words can transform a total situation. Like the young man and his father and the "walls" they were talking about. I think maybe the author's use of the words 'gd' may have placed some walls for you in the reading.

But words are important in communication, where some may have just glanced by those words and not even be phased, they meant something to you.
Great video to show that:
"It's not what you say, but how you say it"

Glad I read your post today. Stay Awesome.
May 21, 2011 12:46 AM

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